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Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis:where we are

发布日期:2019年10月29日 10:54 点击次数:

时间 10月31日(星期四)下午15:00 地点 青岛校区环境学院K5-408学术报告厅
本站讯 讲座时间 2019-10-31 15:00:00


Forward osmosis and pressure retarded osmosis:where we are






Ho Kyong Shon教授


Professor Ho Kyong Shon at the University of Technology Sydney is an Australia Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow, the President of the Membrane Society of Australasia (MSA), the Editor for the Journal of Desalination, and the Deputy Director of Center for Technology in Water and Wastewater. He specializes in understanding physico-chemical water treatment processes in water, wastewater and seawater. His research career focuses on studying advanced membrane fabrication and the application of membrane based desalination in detailing membrane fouling mechanisms and developing novel desalination technology. He has co-authored over 400 high-impact refereed journal publications (51 h-index and > 9900 total citations) including five patents and numerous international awards over the last 20 years. He is currently supervising several postdoctoral research fellows, ten PhD students and two Masters students related to membrane and nanotechnology for water purification and resource recovery.


Forward osmosis (FO) and pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) are osmotically driven membrane processes and emerging as viable methods for producing fresh water from saline water and capturing clean energy, respectively. This presentation will probe various opportunities to extend potential commercialization of FO and PRO into new niches and applications, identifying key technology constraints. The FO process is a promising and emerging low energy desalination technology. Advancements in FO technologies and changes in target niche markets are rapidly changing the FO landscape.Finally, PRO as a salinity gradient energy extension of FO, emphasizing membrane properties, membrane fouling, draw/feed solution considerations, pilot demonstration will be discussed. This presentation will provide latest information on overall pros and cons of FO and PRO demonstrations and share main results of our recent FO and PRO activities.

【作者:张娇娇    来自:环境学院    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:杨卓燃 张丹丹  】

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