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巴别塔: 翻译、帝国与人工智能

发布日期:2024年06月28日 11:24 点击次数:

时间 7月3日(星期三)18:30 地点 中心校区生命南楼231会议室
本站讯 讲座时间 2024-07-03 18:30:00

一、讲座题目:巴别塔: 翻译、帝国与人工智能

Babel: Translation, Empire, and AI

二、主讲人:Carlos Rojas, Professor, Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University

三、主持人:王岑 山东大学新闻传播学院



六、主讲人简介:Carlos Rojas is a Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies; Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies; and Arts of the Moving ImageatDuke University. His research focuses on issues of gender and visuality, corporeality and infection, and nationalism and diaspora studies. As an expert in Chinese Cultural Studies, he has translated works by Yan Lianke, Yu Hua, Jia Pingwa, Ng Kim Chew, and Zhang Guixing into English. His translation of Yan Lianke's The Four Books was shortlisted for the 2016 Man Booker International Prize.Hs has published over 100 research papers.

【作者:杨华    来自:新闻学院    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:王莉莉 陈诗榕  】

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