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发布日期:2024年10月23日 10:27 点击次数:

时间 10月28日(星期一)16:00-17:00 地点 线上直播
本站讯 讲座时间 2024-10-28 16:00:00

一、 讲座题目


二、 主讲人

邢本刚 教授(新加坡南洋理工大学)

三、 报告时间



邢本刚博士,新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)终身教授,化学和生物医学工程学院(SCBE)院长助理。博士毕业于南京大学,先后在香港科技大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校和斯坦福大学从事博士后研究。2005年底加盟南洋理工大学, 在数理与科学学院(SPMS)分别担任助理教授、副教授及教授至今。目前在国际高水平期刊上发表了超过150篇学术论文,7本专著,其中多篇文章在Web of Science和Thomson Reuters中被高度引用,拥有20多项国际专利,其中多项实现转化。当选2017年英国皇家化学学会会士(FRSC)、2017年闽江学者讲座教授,曾获2017年纳米生物技术青年创新奖、全球化学领域前2%科学家等奖项荣誉,并担任国际纯粹与应用化学联合会第13届生物有机化学国际研讨会(IUPAC/ISBOC13,2023)主席。邢博士担任多个学术期刊的顾问编委,包括NPG Asia Materials、J. Controlled Release、Bioconjugate Chemistry(ACS)、Nano-theranostics、IRadiologyJ. Nanobiotechnology,担任2022年Advanced Drug Delivery Review (ADDR)特邀编辑以及 Analytical Sciences执行副编辑等。其研究兴趣涵盖化学生物学、生物标记、分子探针与成像、纳米治疗学等,主要聚焦于“智能”小分子、多肽和纳米探针的开发与方法,以实现成像和治疗的创新应用。


Biological specificity arises from the precise and selective regulation of gene expression and protein interactions in response to intrinsic developmental programs and extrinsic signals. Comprehensive profiling of genetic expression and relevant protein interactions, accurate deciphering of the essential regulations involved, and real-time monitoring of their molecular biofunctions thereof demands unique and robust strategies bearing with high sensitivity and fidelity that enables specific reporting of these biological events under complex and dynamic living environments.

Over the past decade, by integrating with chemical biology and molecular engineering strategies, our group has been actively involved in development of "smart' and unique molecular probes for real-time visualizing genetic expression, protein functions and cellular activities in various disease models. We have successfully established several sustainable imaging protocols that can not only realize high throughput (HTP) and flexibly screening of therapeutic candidates without the need of extensive chemical synthesis and effectively validating epigenetic oncogene deactivation, but can also precisely unravel the intrinsic therapeutic or resistant mechanisms in tumor and bacterial pathogens. Moreover, upon the biolabeling through unique enzyme responsive biorthogonal click conjugation, we also developed a first-in-class ENCTACs (enzyme-derived clicking PROTACs) therapeutic strategy that can specifically respond to disease enzyme stimulation and selectively degrade unwanted proteins to re-modulate disease settings in vitro and in vivo. Our molecular imaging studies, fortified by unique chemical biology design and tissue penetrable molecular probes, provide invaluable insight into the realm of precision medicine and next-generation therapeutic development in the future.



【作者:曹津津    来自:晶体材料国家重点实验室    编辑:新闻网工作室    责任编辑:蒋晓涵 陈诗榕  】

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