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Poetic life, poetic mood

发布日期:2014-07-19 09:32:11 点击次数:

The beautiful flowers dress up
our youth beautiful figure.
The glad grace holds onto
our sleepless jubilation.
The golden dream that kissed by the wind,
rides on the wings of blessing,
let the poetic mood fly across the starry sky.
The happy songs which lighted up by the moon,
pour on the colorful polyptych,
let the poetic life praise our step forward.
The warm sunshine saturates
our sweet laughter.
The true love weaves
our mutual common yearning.
The wind which kisses the golden dream,
takes along the joyous pigeons,
let the poetic mood share our great aspiration.
The moon that lights up the happy songs,
is just held in the heart of the young,
let the poetic life go with the kindness and love.

【供稿单位:医学院    作者:刘林    编辑:新闻中心总编室    责任编辑:董尚  】

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